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Evaluation of project 6:

When I began to plan my advert, the immediate target audience I knew I wanted to appeal to was that of a younger audience. I settled for the 7-11 age range. 

Overall, I think the target audience could definitely be reached by my advert, the silly cartoon sound effects paired with the somewhat simple visuals and colours making it appealing to children. Not only that, but the use of a simple and understandable story within the advert can engage the target audience even more, making them want to buy my product and possibly keep on watching the advert again and again.

Much like with real life adverts for products aimed at children, I have included a character they can somewhat relate to. The persona carries a lunchbox, and with the target audience at school age, the majority of them will be carrying lunchboxes with them to school too.

If I had to highlight what I think could be improved upon, then I would point out that the later part of my advert is possibly a little ominous for younger children. The use of the adverts persona reaching out for the lunchbox in a dimly lit room is to back up the slogan line I use at the end; 'Buy lunchboxes you just can't resist.'

While gathering research into this project, I looked heavily into Ethos, Pathos and Logos- all three of them persuasive advertising techniques that companies use to draw an audience to a product. I looked through many adverts on YouTube, identifying their uses of Ethos, Pathos and Logos.

Not only that, but I also briefly looked into the hypodermic needle theory along with the gratification model, reception theory and the cultivation theory in relation to advertising.

Once I had come up with a product I was going to advertise, I knew that I wanted to research more exactly into the statistical side of things. Therefore, I created a simple six question survey on Google Forms and sent it out to my peers. The survey asked the following:

Would you be interested in purchasing a lunchbox?

How many times a week would you use a lunchbox?

What is your favourite colour?

How much are you willing to pay for a lunchbox?
Do you consider yourself a healthy eater?

Would you buy a lunchbox for a child or younger sibling/friend?


In response, I got a few mixed reviews. The age range of my peers is from 17-19, so I was not expecting the first answer to mainly be 'Yes'. However apart from that, I did collect a good amount of data for primary research. 


As well as my research, over the weeks I also did some experimental research, creating short adverts of different genres appealing to a wide range of target audiences. They were apart of singular day projects and albeit short, the adverts gave me insight of the different genres of advertising and the ways that they have to change their premises depending on the product itself and what audience they want to bring in.

Finally, if I could improve on my research then I would definitely look into the other types of lunchboxes out there and see how they were advertised. Not only that, but I would also see if there was a way I could gather responses to my survey from the intended target audience.


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