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Going into this project, at first I wasn't too sure about how I would talk about what I wanted to do as a progression route. For a while now I've had an idea as to what I wanted to do, however I was not too sure on how I was going to present that through this project. When the idea of creating an animation to go along with my research came about, I knew that was what I was going to do, obviously wanting to get as much animation experience as I could, since that's the path I want to pursue in the future. 

As far as research went for the universities, I simply went onto their websites and read up about the courses, comparing them and listing them down if I thought they looked good.

When I started creating the project, I came up with a script, talking about my ambitions in terms of after the college course and further into the future too. I recorded me reciting the script and then uploaded it to Premiere pro where I edited out any pauses so that the audio flowed better.

The small amount of animation I did for the project was created on adobe animate. I created an avatar with different expressions and then exported them as images where I then put them into Permiere Pro with the audio.

With the audio and images of my character all in place, I downloaded some PNG images that correlated with what I was talking about in the audio, and added them into the timeline too.

Overall, while this is not my best work in terms of animation, I think the content meets the requirements and what I talk about clearly conveys my ambitions for university and beyond.


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